Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Back at the Home Office

Faced with an ever-more disorganized office, and a backlog of reviews and e-mails that need to be dealt with, I decided to take the day off today and focus entirely on getting organized, and getting ahead.

The getting organized bit is going to the hardest thing. While my desk is badly cluttered, what's worse is that my virtual workspace is a disaster area. I've got files scattered across four different machines, and while that isn't a hinderance when writing new articles or reviews, it does make backing up my files a freaking nightmare. So today, while Sue and Jordan are at play group, and then running errands, I'll be imposing order upon what my two year old would describe as "the messy mess".

Over on the writing side of things, I've got a bunch of stuff I want to do for Nuketown. I've had a reviews of the Halo 2 Soundtrack and Robert Jordan's New Spring for weeks, as well as a new "Libertarian Gamer" column that's been in limbo for ages. If nothing else, I want to finish them today. The focus at Toxic Bag were nice enough to send me a review of their latest RPG soundeffects disc, Battles, and I definitely want to get that up on the site as well.

Oh well, the work of a sci-fi geek is never done. Particularly one who loves to write.

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