Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Back East

After nearly two weeks in Idaho visiting my wife's older brother and family (along with her parents and younger brother, who traveled with us), Sue, Jordan and I are finally back home.

Idaho's a great place to visit -- beautiful vistas, nice people, great terrain. But it is nice to be back home, where I'm two blocks from a coffee shop and high speed internet access is as common as water.

I figured out my Nuketown problems just before I left; apparently my hosting provider changed something on the server, and as a result the PHP includes that had been working just fine for the last year were suddenly broken. That in turn caused a series of unending queries to the database.

It's all fixed now: the includes have been changed to something the server likes and I revised my code to fix the query stall problem. My D&D campaign web site, the Griffin's Crier, is still down, but should be up later this week.

There may be a few other Nuketown snafus in the near future, as I'll be switching to a new hosting provider, and that's always something of an adventure (particularly since the DNS entries have to change). But bear with me -- in the long run, this is all for the good.

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