Thursday, June 01, 2006

NT Redesign: Primary Nav, Breadcrumbs, CSS Tweak

As I discussed over on Nuketown the redesign and conversion to Drupal has started up again, and I'm making slow but steady progress. I'm going to be chronicling that progress here, since it's easier to post to Blogger, the posts will be short, and everything I do here is one less thing I need to worry about tweaking back into shape over at the burg.
So, today's milestones included:
  • Primary Nav Fix & Breadcrumbs: Rather than rework Drupal's primary navigation scheme to indicate what section you're in as you're browsing the site, I've installed the taxonomy_breadcrumbs module. This will provide a list of breadcrumbs showing where you are in the site on every page save the home page, and provides the context I was looking for. I also fixed a problem with the formatting on the navigation block.
  • CSS Tweaks: There was setting in the core Drupal CSS that was causing headaches with the CSS for my theme, forcing content to appear below the right-hand navigation items (rather than at the same height with it). I saw it in the previous beta and fixed it; last night I figured out how I did it the first time, and re-applied the tweak (writing it down so I know how to fix it again in the future, should the need arise).

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