Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Temple of Elemental Art

Last night was one of those nights where I have so many dreams that it feels like I didn't sleep at all. All of the dreams were connected in some bizarre way, and -- as is the nature of dreams -- those connections are already fading. One part of the dream that stands out is going on a dungeoncrawl with my friends to slay the ancient evil of the Temple of Elemental Evil, a notorious dungeon in the World of Greyhawk setting.

Despite playing Dungeons & Dragons regularly, I don't actually dream about it very often, and even this wasn't straight D&D -- it had more of a The Mummy feel to it as my friends and I fought various horrors in the depths of the temple, finally vanquishing its lead demon, and then returning to the surface.

What was weird wasn't the temple, but rather, the fact that it was in the basement of the Arts Center at the university where I work. Indeed, the first sublevel was populated by prison cells, monster lairs, and offices for the music and art faculty.

Yep, definitely gotta stop drinking milk before I got to bed.

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